Spiritual Growth in a Dormant Month

Snow on Evergreen
photo by Chris Zweifel

Well, we are just about halfway through winter.  It’s almost six full weeks since the Winter Solstice (the time when the sun reaches its southernmost point, directly over the Tropic of Capricorn) and less than seven weeks until the Vernal Equinox (when the sun crosses the equator going northward).  Where you are positioned on the globe determines how much sun you are getting.  If you live in the Northern Hemisphere like I do, you may be enjoying winter-related activities, or you just may be experiencing the doldrums like me and want only to hibernate.  The bitter cold coupled with the stagnant state of my surroundings keeps me indoors and often in a slump.

Thankfully, each year at this time, my husband and I go on a spiritual retreat. This get-away is an important time of soul-refreshment as we reconnect with God.  If you have the opportunity to get away for a couple of days to a quiet place, grab it!  The intentional time of tending to your soul will be well-worth your efforts.  If your current circumstances prevent you from doing so, plan a few hours in a calm, serene environment, and make it a priority.  As a last resort, here are some practical suggestions to create a prayerful atmosphere in your home.  With proper planning, you will not be disappointed.

  • Arrange for children and/or pets to be at a sitter’s.
  • Silence the phones and refrain from email, texting, etc.
  • Resist the temptation to do regular work or chores.
  • Listen to some inspirational music, such as hymns or praise and worship.
  • Take time to immerse yourself in silence.
  • Meditate upon passages from God’s Word.  If you are unfamiliar with Scripture, these Gospel selections are a good place to begin: John 1,2; Matthew 10,11; Luke 9.
  • Reflect: Ponder the truth of His Word.
  • Pray: Enter into a personal dialogue with God.
  • Listen: Draw strength from His presence and allow His perfect peace to sustain you.
  • Journal: Record what the Lord speaks to your heart.
  • Return to your normal life rejuvenated in your spirit and closer with the One who gave you life.

Spiritual enrichment is such a vital aspect of our personal lives.  I pray for you a warm and binding relationship with the living God through the power of His Holy Spirit.  To be sure, spring is coming, but aren’t you glad we don’t have to wait until then for a growth spurt?