Make Sense of Your Experiences with Stories and Narratives
As we reflect on what needs to stay the same in our world and what needs to change, participating in the literary arts can help.
As we reflect on what needs to stay the same in our world and what needs to change, participating in the literary arts can help.
The political stress in the U.S. is altering the balance in and of its people. Art is a healthy way to bring that balance back.
A vision board can empower you to create the life you imagine through the identification of specific goals.
This is not your child’s play dough. The combined stimuli of smell and touch are affecting and evocative.
One of the best practices for your well-being is getting outdoors. Taking photos is an even further benefit.
Bringing yourself to a sense of peace can be an empowering experience. It helps put the brakes on when you begin to feel overwhelmed or fearful.
A journal is not polished writing. Be spontaneous in your journal, and see where it takes you.
Quotes can be a source of motivation, strength, wisdom and hope. You can explore the powerful words of others more deeply by responding to them in art.
Creating portraits and self-representations allow us to focus on ourselves. They help us gain insight into our actions, motives, and relationships.
The word “persona” is derived from the Latin for “mask.” It allows us to interact socially with ease, but identifying too strongly with it can lead to problems.